PhD Studies in Information and Communications Technologies

The goal of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) PhD Programme is to provide the PhD student with advanced, specialized and multidisciplinary skills in different topics related to information and communications technologies. The main objective is training researchers in innovative techniques and technologies, both at the theoretical and experimental levels, with a high degree of professional specialization.

Generic information (regulations and grants, mostly in Spanish):

Specific regulations and helping documents (mostly in Spanish):

  • Web page of ICT PhD Programme at EDUIB <>
  • ICT PhD Programme help/guidance document (Excerpt of UIB general and specific regulations for ICT programme) [document]
  • Administrative steps of the ICT PhD Programme [document]
  • Presentation of the ICT PhD Programme: informative meeting PHD STUDENTS 17/05/2024 [document]
  • Presentation of the ICT PhD Programme: informative meeting SUPERVISORS 17/05/2024 [document]

(all administrative steps must be performed through site, but you are supposed to fill the following forms when required; you are advised to check the document "Administrative steps" to know which documentation is requested for each case)

  • UIB generic application [document]
  • Authorization to become a partial-time PhD student [use site to apply]
    • Report of thesis supervisor(s) as being aware of the request [documents]
  • Authorization for changes in the supervision of the thesis [use site to apply]
    • Report of the thesis supervisors to accept the new supervision configuration [documents]
  • Research plan [documents]
  • Document of activities [documents]
    • Summary of seminar/conference [documents]
    • Report of supervisor(s) to validate the state of the art [documents]
    • Report of supervisor(s) to validate the contribution of the PhD student to a paper [documents]
  • Report of the supervisor(s) about the state of the PhD research work [documents]

List of supervisors and research topics [document]